Weapon stats V2 [ESX

52.99 EUR 48.99 EUR

Package Description

About script

This script adds new weapon stats to the game. It also supports values for components that can take away or add values. 




  • Recoil - Adjusts the recoil of the weapon
  • Sway - Adjusts the movement of the weapon in the hand.
  • Handling - Sets the rate of fire/raise option.

Other stats

  • Breath holding - A breath hold can be enabled on selected weapons to temporarily suspend the sway.
  • Left / Right - Enables left to right jumping on recoil.
  • Fadeout - It turns the screen black for a moment after firing.
  • Extra bad - Adding extra minus values for recoil.
  • Extra heavy - Adding extra minus values for sway.
  • Extra slow - Adding extra minus values for handling.

Component options

Plus values

  • Recoil - Raises the value if the component is on the weapon. 
  • Sway - Raises the value if the component is on the weapon. 
  • Handling - Raises the value if the component is on the weapon.
Minus values
  • Recoil - Reduces the value if the component is on the weapon. 
  • Sway - Reduces the value if the component is on the weapon. 
  • Handling - Reduces the value if the component is on the weapon.

Stress &Skill support

The script supports both skills and stress, which can affect the quality of stats

Admin panel for editing in game.


Stats preview for player.

5 styles


Dependencies: ox_lib

Video: https://youtu.be/hhyPTgxqU4s